Spring Birds of Teatown
Teatown 1600 Spring Valley Rd, OssiningSpring migration is in full swing at Teatown. Join Charlie Roberto as he searches out breeding warblers and other birds that will use the Teatown woods and meadows to raise their young.
Spring migration is in full swing at Teatown. Join Charlie Roberto as he searches out breeding warblers and other birds that will use the Teatown woods and meadows to raise their young.
Do you know what’s lurking in your backyard? How can a phone app help fight the spread of invasive species? iMapInvasives is a collaborative database designed to collect and share information about invasive species. The information that is generated is used to map where these invasive species are and how scientists can effectively contend with them. Citizen Scientists (that’s you!) are an essential part of this puzzle – making a difference with just a couple of clicks! Please join Teatown Educators as we walk you through the iMapInvasives program and introduce you to a few non-native invasive species. For everyone.