Here at Teatown, we’re always challenging ourselves to be better environmental stewards. That’s why we’ve set an important goal this year: collect just one bag of trash during the 7+ hour duration of our largest event of the year, EagleFest. Will it be easy? No. Can we do it? Absolutely.

How many outreach programs do Teatown’s animal ambassadors do each year?
The non-releasable birds of prey that call Teatown home live at Teatown for educational purposes, as they cannot be released back into the wild due to injuries sustained (typically car and hunting related injuries). These birds find a new lease on life at Teatown, where they educate the public about their species and what we can do to protect them.

In partnership with the Westchester County Youth Bureau, we’re reaching more underserved children than ever.
We're proud to announce that in 2019, we had our greatest ever 1-year impact in this area, reaching over 2,500 students in underserved communities.

Teatown is now certified as a “Green Business” by the Green Business Partnership
Our shared future depends on our ability to transform the way we do business, and even small non-profits like Teatown contribute to the global environmental footprint.

Turkey Day: Celebrating one of America’s most iconic birds
This feathered forager may rule the Thanksgiving menu but how much do you actually know about our friend the wild turkey?

Photos: Volunteers from Regeneron complete 720 volunteer hours in just one day!
Wow—what a day! As a part of their “Day for Doing Good” on Friday, nearly 120 Regeneron volunteers helped remove a half acre of invasive plants, plant more than 100 native plants, and add non-slip materials to existing bridges and boardwalks on the preserve.

5 Reasons Why You Should Mow Your Leaves Instead of Blowing Them
What if in the process of removing our leaves, we are disrupting a cycle that they are an important part of?

Birds are vanishing from North America. Here’s what we can do to help.
A study published this September in Science shared alarming news: about 3 billion birds, or nearly one-third of bird populations in the United States and Canada, have disappeared in the last 50 years. Why? It turns out there are quite a few reasons and most have to do with human behavior. If the bad news is that it’s our fault, the good news is that we can do something about it.

Thank you to all who supported “A Night in the Woods” 2019
We are deeply grateful to the wonderful Teatown community for an energetic presence and amazing generosity at this year’s Night in the Woods.

Teatown receives grant from Westchester Community Foundation
Teatown is proud to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Westchester Community Foundation to revive our Environmental Leaders Learning Alliance program and to continue to educate our community on the critical role of native plants in our landscape.

Major Changes Announced for the Endangered Species Act
Political debates aside, the Endangered Species Act is a lifeline for imperiled species and has been over 99% effective at preventing extinction. Teatown is proud to support the ESA and the vital protections it has provided to species like the bald eagle, whose recovery we celebrate each year at EagleFest. Removing environmental defenses to encourage economy over ecology will accelerate the harmful effects of anthropomorphic climate change and is contrary to the spirit of scientific conservation.