Teatown Hudson River EagleFest
2025 Sponsorship Opportunities
Eagle Sponsorship: $5,000
The “Green” Sponsorship
Naming/Branding rights of the “Eagle Theatre Sponsored by X” including:
- Signage: Banner on the outside of the Eagle Theatre (provided by sponsor)
- Permission to customize tent with any branding; e.g., signage, seat cushions, giveaways, etc. (provided by sponsor)
Your company will be featured in all EagleFest press releases
Full-page ad in 2025 Event Guide (estimated 1,500 distributed)
Company logo displayed prominently on the following material:
- The official event web page (teatown.org/eaglefest), which receives more than 8,000 UNIQUE visitors during the month prior to the event
- Event flyers distributed throughout Westchester
- All Teatown e-Blasts sent to 11,000 recipients in December and January
- Official EagleFest Facebook event page and Instagram posts
Your company will be featured in all EagleFest press releases as a “Green” Sponsor. Your logo will be prominently displayed on all “Green” material; e.g., recycling, trash, and composting stations, water bottle filling stations, etc.
8 tickets to the event
Prime placement display table in main collaborator tent (Eagle Headquarters)
Company banner hung outside Eagle Tent (provided by sponsor)
4 tickets to Teatown’s Annual Gala (valued at $2,000). Your company’s logo will be included in the digital e-journal which plays on-screen during dinner and is posted on Teatown’s website
Hawk Sponsorship: $2,500
Company logo displayed prominently on the following material:
- The official event web page (teatown.org/eaglefest), which receives more than 8,000 UNIQUE visitors during the month prior to the event
- Event flyers distributed throughout the community
- All Teatown E-Blasts sent to 11,000 recipients in December and January
- All EagleFest advertising
- Official EagleFest Facebook event page
Half-page ad in 2025 Event Guide
6 tickets to the event
2 tickets to Teatown’s Annual Gala (valued at $1,000). Your company’s logo will be included in the digital e-journal which plays on-screen during dinner and is posted on Teatown’s website
Company banner hung outside of Eaglet Stage (provided by sponsor)
Table display in main collaborator tent (Eagle Headquarters)
Falcon Sponsorship: $1,000
Company logo displayed prominently on the following material:
- The official event web page (teatown.org/eaglefest), which receives more than 8,000 UNIQUE visitors during the month prior to the event
- Event flyers distributed throughout the community
- 2025 Event Guide
4 tickets to the event
Company banner hung outside of Eaglet Stage (provided by sponsor)
Owl Sponsorship: $500
Company logo displayed prominently on the following material:
- The official event web page (teatown.org/eaglefest), which receives more than 8,000 UNIQUE visitors during the month prior to the event
- Event flyers distributed throughout the community
- 2025 Event Guide
2 tickets to the event
Company banner hung outside of Eaglet Stage (provided by sponsor)
To secure a sponsorship for EagleFest 2025, contact:
Jean Costello, Director of Development: jcostello@teatown.org